The school has a committed PTA which raises a considerable amount of money for the school. All parents/carers are automatically members when their child starts school. They meet during school hours and are always pleased to welcome new members. The current chair of the PTA is Simon Catlin and he can be contacted on 73653.
The PTA take responsibility for ordering and selling items of school uniform and will be present at the induction meeting so that you can order well in advance of your child starting school.
*Red fleece with the school logo *Red or green sweatshirt or sweat cardigan with the school logo *Polo shirt with or without the school logo Grey or black trousers, skirt or dress with grey shorts or summer school dress for warmer weather
*these items are available from the PTA
Also available from the PTA are PE T-shirts and bags, legionnaires caps and school bags all with the school logo.