| | Westoning Road, Harlington, LU5 6PD, UK Dunstable +44 (0)1525 752500
Harlington Lower School is a small village school for boys and girls aged between four and nine years.� The school aims to provide a warm, safe and happy environment to teach and nurture children, whilst offering them a broad and balanced curriculum.� Each child is given every opportunity to realise his or her full potential.��
The school is a bright and quiet place where learning is an enjoyable experience.� The children are privileged to have a large school site within a peaceful village setting.� The school site has two hard standing playgrounds adjacent to the school building and a large grass playing field, each with a variety of natural and purpose built features.� The wider village setting provides a number of stimuli and resources to support many curriculum areas.� The parents and the local community in general support the school on a regular basis and this has resulted in an ongoing relationship based on mutual respect.�� |
Education is a partnership, and the school together with the parents, encourage the process and ensure the progress of the children's learning.� We endeavour to make each child's school life happy and fulfilling, whilst developing good work habits and an enthusiasm and a love of learning.� Our aim is to ensure we offer the best for� your child. |
Mission Statement
We are committed to excellence in the achievement of each individual and in standards by working in partnership in a caring environment. |
History |
Harlington Lower is a community school.� It is a small, village lower school for boys and girls between four and nine years.� Children who attend have usually had pre-school experience at a nursery school or the local village pre-school.
For many years the school was situated in Church Road, close to St. Mary's church.�� As the village expanded in the mid 1960's the school overflowed into the village hall and a new school was built on the present site. In January 1965 the first children moved and the school operated on the two sites.��As the village continued to grow the school was extended twice and eventually housed the whole age range.� The old school is now the village parish hall.� With re-organisation in the county to the three-tier system of lower, middle and upper, this school became a lower school with children up to the age of nine years. |
In September 2003 'The Conifers ' was opened.� The conifers is a separate, purpose-built building at the east end of the school.� The conifers was built to support the community and to offer children a safe, secure and stimulating environment during term-time and in the holidays.� The Conifers offers children before and after school care, and play schemes during the school holidays.� the village pre-school uses the Conifers during the school day. |
School Values |
We want every child at Harlington Lower School to feel safe, happy and to enjoy coming to school.� Our policy is to establish and maintain a happy, caring and stimulating environment that will foster in each child a positive and sensitive attitude towards life.�We value the contribution each child brings to the school by praising and celebrating their achievements.� we aim to encourage independence of thought and for our children to have enquiring minds.� Good quality resources and a stimulating environment help to create an atmosphere where learning can take place.��Developing our children's self-confidence is also very important.� Each child is special and we recognise and value their unique qualities and appreciate that children enter the school with different experiences and understanding of the world.��The school council, comprising representatives of the year 3 and 4 children, meet regularly to discuss issues at school.� The voice of the child is an important factor in developing new initiatives and updating existing ones. |
We pride ourselves on the fact that Harlington Lower school is a safe and happy place.� There is respect and trust for each other and a close working relationship with all the adults in the school.� The safety of our children is paramount and to this end we have a number of security measures including keypad entry system and secure doors.�� |
We are a caring school that teaches children to be kind and thoughtful towards each other.�� We value, respect and encourage our children at all times to be polite, have good manners and be well behaved.� The spiritual, moral and cultural policy of the school can be seen in every aspect of the running of Harlington Lower School. |
We do not tolerate bullying and the children are aware of the boundaries of behaviour we expect from them.� Within a caring but firm environment we praise good behaviour and talk through problems so that children understand the reason why some behaviour is unacceptable.� We are here to support and nurture our children so that they develop into young, well-motivated and caring adults and this is reflected in our Values education Programme. |
The national Curriculum was introduced into maintained schools in England and Wales in September 1989 and revised in September 1995 and 2000.� From September 1998. Religious Education and Information and Communicating Technology ( I.C.T.) became core subjects.� The following information is to help you understand the different subjects that are taught. |
Core Subjects |
English (to include Literacy),� Mathematics (to include Numeracy), Science, Information and Communications Technology and Religious Education. |
Foundation Studies |
Geography, History, Art, Design and Technology, Music,� Physical Education, PSHE. |
All have statutory Orders that include the following:- |
Assessments |
These are the arrangements for assessing each child's performance according to the eight levels of attainment.� SAT's Results. |
Programmes of Study |
These provide the basis for planning and teaching the curriculum. |
Attainment Targets |
These are the objectives for each subject, setting out the knowledge, skills and understanding that pupils are expected to develop. |
Key Stage 1 (KS1)��relates to pupils aged 5 to 7 and Key Stage 2 (KS2) relates to pupils aged 7 to 11. | | |
We recognise they importance of the governments 'EVERY CHILD MATTERS' agenda and include it in all aspects of our curriculum planning, care and guidance.�
Click on the link below for more information.
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The skills required to read, to write and to communicate with each other are of paramount importance to us at Harlington Lower School.� All these skills begin in the reception class as part of their literacy sessions, which carry on through the school.� The children in KS1 and KS2 have an hour of literacy each day focusing on speaking and listening, reading and writing skills and related activities.� We aim to develop these skills through the enjoyment of books, plays, poems and non-fiction material.��Developing all areas of children's writing also plays a major role in our English curriculum and is carried out along with the schools structured handwriting programme.� Whilst continuing our high standards we also aim for enjoyment and confidence in all areas of language work. |
School Library
The school library is a bright and attractive environment, where we aim to encourage in our children a love of books and reading.� All books are bar-coded and checked out through a computer system.� Children have� regular access to the school library and use it during some English lessons.� The children take home one book each week for their enjoyment.
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Mathematics is a key life skill which involves confidence and competence with numbers and measures.� Children learn an understanding of the number system, a repertoire of computational skills and the ability to solve number problems in a variety of contexts.� Children in KS2 have an hour of Numeracy each day and the KS1 and reception children have a session of about 45 minutes each day, of which 10 to 15 minutes is oral/mental work.� In reception, a wide range of resources are used.� The numeracy strategy is taught across KS1 and KS2 giving the children a wide range of experiences in all practical areas of data handling, problem solving, shape and measure as well as developing the four rules of number and mental arithmetic.� A wide range of resources are used to support this.� We also have a large Maths Games Library containing games of different levels of difficulty.� These are borrowed weekly by the children in year 2 and 3.� An introductory session is held early in the Autumn term.� A group of helpers (parents and community) organises the distribution once a week; and updates and makes new games as required.
Science is taught using the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (Q.C.A.) guidelines and some aspects of the Bedfordshire Scheme, with an emphasis on practical experience and enjoyment.� In KS1 this includes living things, materials, light and sound, forces and electricity.� In KS2 these topics are studied in greater depth and also include contrasting habitats, magnetism and rocks and soils.� We believe that all children must have regular access to Science education, appropriate to their age and stage of development, in order to develop their natural curiosity and understanding of the world and to recognise the importance of Science in everyday life.� we have a 'pond area', 'wild area' and 'southbank' which contain an abundant variety of plant and animal life offering the children a rich, diverse and stimulating experience.� The progression of skills for experimental and investigative science is an integral part of the science scheme and ensures that the children have opportunities to learn, how to interpret, apply and record their findings. |
The school is well equipped with computers.� There is a suite of 16 flat screen computers with an interactive whiteboard for a whole class lessons.� Here, computer skills, Literacy, Numeracy and cross curricular work takes place as well as 'computer club'.�� The classrooms have also been fitted with interactive whiteboards which are linked to the internet.� Children are encouraged from the earliest age to develop ICT skills and become confident in their use, equipping them for future life. |
History lessons provide children with a knowledge and understanding of recent and distant events that affect present-day life.�� The school and local community offer a wealth of evidence for studies along with visits to historical sites, presentations by visitors, plays and artefacts.� They will begin to use sources and research skills in an historical context.� The children will begin to understand chronological developments and the reasons for and the consequences of some of the big events in history. |
Children are taught geographical skills through looking at different types of maps and studying their own locality along with similar areas in other regions.� They are taught to observe and record changes in the weather, draw maps and plans and to offer suggestions for improvement and ways of caring for the environment in which we live.� They will study different parts of the United Kingdom and the wider world and compare these with their own environment. |
Music plays an important part in the life of our school.� All children have the opportunity to sing, play, perform and compose using a variety of tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments.� Children are given opportunities to listen to a wide range of music from different times and cultures.� Singing for musical activities and concerts gives the children a great deal of pleasure and self-fulfilment and adds to the important role that music plays within our school.� From year 3 children have the opportunity to learn to play the recorder in a lunchtime club.� The music service offers violin, guitar, piano, keyboard and brass lessons to children in year 3 and 4.� A charge is made by the county for these lessons. |
Children develop their physical co-ordination through outdoor activities, games, gymnastics, and dance.� They learn to co-operate as a team and develop individual skills and confidence.� Children work on dance, gym and games in KS1 and dance, gym, games and athletics in KS2.� Sports day in the summer combines the fun and enjoyment of games along with the skills the children are developing.� Depending on the staff available, Country Dancing and Dancing are offered as clubs. |
Children are encouraged to develop their skills by using a wide variety of media to express their ideas, thoughts and feelings.� They develop their understanding of art through observations and discussions about artists from a variety of cultures and their own art work.� A whole range of activities are covered including drawing and sketching, painting, 3D work, textiles and clay. |
Through a variety of activities in technology, children are taught to use a range of materials and techniques to design, make and evaluate their constructions.� Our aim is to develop the children's confidence and skill in using the right tools and materials for the task whilst at the same time showing due care for the safety aspects. |
Children develop an awareness of issues that affect them personally, socially and impact upon their health through a wide ranging PSHE syllabus.� Issues such as road safety and drug/dangerous substance misuse are addressed at suitable points.� The Bedfordshire Life Bus scheme visits Harlington Lower School on a biannual basis, delivering age appropriate health based messages to the children.� Most curriculum areas also promote personal and social education.� Circle time allows children to think more carefully about their actions and feelings.
The religious education provided is in accordance with the County Agreed Syllabus and Q.C.A. guidelines. Assemblies for the whole school, which include collective worship that is 'wholly or mainly of a Christian character though not distinctive of ant particular denomination' and time for reflection, follow themes linked to values and are extended into Religious Education and PSHE lessons in the classroom.� Parents may withdraw their children from such education and/or collective worship.� Parents are held and there is a daily act of collective worship which is "wholly or mainly� of a Christian character though not distinctive of any particular denomination."� However, parents may withdraw their children from such education and/or collective worship.� Parents wishing to exercise their right of withdrawal are invited to discuss the matter with the Head Teacher before making a formal written request for withdrawal.�� |
At Harlington Lower School we believe the ethos of the school should be built on a foundation of core values such as honesty, respect, happiness, responsibility and peace.� These values, and several others, will be addressed directly through lessons and assemblies and will permeate the whole curriculum.� They are the basis for the social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and moral development of the child.� We encourage pupils to consider these values, thereby developing knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to develop as reflective learners and grow to be stable, educated and civilised adults. |
Every child's progress is carefully monitored and if there is any concern the teacher will consult with the Head Teacher.� There is always close liaison between the school and the home and consultation with parents will be carried out on a regular basis in order to achieve the best provision that is appropriate to their child.� On occasions extra help within the school or support from outside agencies will be required.� The school's policy for Special Needs outlines how identification and provision is made for each child.� This involves parents discussing with the school causes for concern and the child being recorded on the schools Special Needs register.� Early identification of any problems is crucial with emphasis placed on the involvement of parents at every stage.� Copies of the policy are available to parents on request.
Each child's progress is monitored on a day to day basis by Teacher Assessment (T.A.) and the next stage of learning is adjusted accordingly.� Records of the development of understanding and knowledge are kept using an agreed format that shows the child's progress through the National Curriculum.� Individual pupil profiles also record progression in reading.� Standard Assessment Tests (S.A.T.s.) are given to children at the end of year 2 (KS1), QCA assessments are carried out at the end of year 3 and 4.� SAT's Results. |
Travel to School The school encourages children to walk to school, whenever possible, as this provides a refreshing and enjoyable start to the day, and the exercise is beneficial to the child's well being.� The school has a Travel Plan which aims to promote safe and healthy means of travel to school.� In the interest of the safety of the children no cars are allowed on the school site at any time. |
The School Day |
8.45 - 8.55 a.m. |
Children enter school |
9.00 a.m. |
Registration |
9.10 a.m. |
Assembly/collective worship |
9.30 a.m. |
Lesson 1 |
10.30 a.m. |
Morning break |
10.45 a.m. |
Lesson 2 |
12.00/12.15 p.m. |
Lunch time |
1.15 p.m. |
Registration and Lesson 3 |
2.15 p.m. |
Afternoon break |
2.30 p.m. |
Lesson 4 |
3.30 p.m. |
School finishes | | |
Arriving at School The school is open for children from 8.45 a.m. onwards.� We request that the children do not arrive too early, especially on cold or wet days.� Oak class have their own entrance.� Ash, Chestnut and Hawthorn classes enter by the main entrance.� Rowan, Birch and Beech classes enter by the junior entrance. |
Playtime The reception class have their own separate play area.� All the other classes use the front playground, the 'Southbank', and the 'Trim Trail' at playtimes.� In the summer term, all the children use the back field. A teacher and one or two teaching assistants are on duty each playtime.� Snacks are encouraged during the morning break of either a piece of fruit or vegetable or two plain biscuits.� Sweets, crisps and chocolate are not allowed.� The local authority provides each child in KS1 with a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable each morning. |
Home Time Adults collecting children should wait on the playground, inside the school gate, at 3.30pm.� The children will come out on their own.� The parents of children in Oak class should collect their children from the classroom.� Pre-schoolers must wait quietly with adults and are not allowed on restricted areas or near the classrooms.� Bicycles and accompanying animals are not allowed on the playground. If a responsible adult is not in the playground to collect a child, the child is instructed to come back into school, tell the teacher and wait in the entrance hall, until a responsible adult arrives. The school appreciates notification if there is a delay in� collecting a child. |
Homework |
We recognise that strong home school links are vital to enable a child to reach their full potential.� Homework can play a key role in this as it allows parents to see what the children are covering in school.� It is an essential tool for teachers as it provides children with opportunities for consolidation and enrichment in addition to classroom tasks.� The government recognises the impact of homework and this is why it is statutory in Literacy and Numeracy. Spellings are sent home as part of our homework policy along with reading books.� The children are given a piece of Literacy homework related to their learning once a week.� A piece of Numeracy homework is also sent home once a week, to reinforce or to expand curriculum topics being studied. |
Consultation Evenings |
Consultation evenings for parents are held in the Autumn and Spring terms.� Towards the end of the Summer term an open evening is held and all parents are invited to visit the school with their child(ren) to view classrooms and work.� If teachers or parents have any concerns prior to consultation evenings, a separate appointment will be made.
Reports Parents receive an annual written report on their child's progress in the Summer term.� The report will outline the child's achievements in each area of the National Curriculum and set targets for further development.� Year 2 children will also have the results of their SATs tests ( Statutory Assessment Test). SAT's Results. |
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| Every one will act with courtesy and consideration at all times. Your child will be expected to: | |
| - listen carefully and follow instructions.
- speak politely to everyone.
- contribute to a quiet working atmosphere.
- move gently and quietly about the school.
- concentrate and work to the best of their ability.
| The following behaviour will not be tolerated: | |
| - bullying or physical violence of any sort.
- rudeness, shouting and use of bad language.
- stealing or hiding other people's property.
- disrupting lessons, assembly or lunch times.
| - praise for good work.
- praise for thoughtful behaviour.
- acknowledgement of effort.
- giving of responsibility.
- additional approval by the Head Teacher.
- certificate of achievement.
| - removal of responsibility.
- "time out" from the current activity.
- exclusion from playtime or special activities for a given period.
- involvement of the Head Teacher.
- involvement of the parents.
| - children enjoy school and achievement is good overall.....They continue to make good progress and achieve standards in English, Mathematics and Science consistently above the national average.
- parents are pleased with the good teaching and are right to think that their children make good progress as a result.
- social development is outstanding due to the care taken by staff.
primary schools in Dunstable,
secondary schools in Dunstable,
schools in Dunstable